Welcome to Ascension!

The Episcopal Church of the Ascension is one of the oldest and most vibrant spiritual communities in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Whether you are searching for a place for your family to grow in faith, a fellowship of believers, or just a community where you can explore your spiritual side, we welcome you and want to hear from you.

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New to Ascension?

The Episcopal Church of the Ascension is a progressive, multicultural Christian community in metropolitan D.C. with a passion for service, diverse worship, and life long spiritual formation. We believe that God continues to be revealed in all cultures in every era. We treasure the opportunities for mutual evangelism we encounter in our church and in our world. Our worship is a celebration of God’s abiding love. We are a community of unconditional welcome, inviting anyone to our worship community. We endeavor to speak newcomers’ languages and meet them in the cultures of their homes. Christianity means action. We see a fundamental connection between the freely given life of Christ and the giving of our lives in the service of others. The Christian journey is a lifelong pursuit. We have a tradition of living a life in Christ by enriching our understanding through study, and converting our hearts through shared spiritual practice. – Seamus Welsh

Sunday Services

8:00 AM in person service and Zoom service (English)
10:00 AM in person, Zoom service and Livestream (English)
12:00 PM in person, Zoom service and Livestream (Spanish).
Join Zoom Service
Meeting ID: 941 3360 0093 Passcode: 1234 Dial by your location 301 715 8592

Sunday Services

8:00 AM in person service and Zoom service (English)
10:00 AM in person, Zoom service and Livestream (English)
12:00 PM in person, Zoom service and Livestream (Spanish).
Join Zoom Service
Meeting ID: 941 3360 0093 Passcode: 1234 Dial by your location 301 715 8592

Spanish Service Information

12:00 PM in person and Zoom Service

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 954 9346 3059
Passcode: 1234

Order for Compline Wednesday 9:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 970 3440 1298
Passcode: compline
Dial by your location
301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 970 3440 1298
Passcode: compline

Piscataway Rain Garden unveiled in Gaithersburg NBC4 NEWS report

Instructions for Acolytes

Instructions for Lay Readers / Lectors


Our fabulous new database program is HERE! Watch your email inbox – you’ll be getting an email soon. REALM is a very powerful program that allows us to sort and network lots of information and allows you, the parishioner, to contribute your pledge, enter your data, put your picture in it, keep it up to date, and check your tax information. You’ll be able to join a committee, sign up to be a Worship Leader, see who’s on the vestry or who is running for the vestry. It’s so user-friendly! We urge you to try it out now.


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Service Leaflets

Service Leaflets



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