Sunday Services
- 8:00 a.m. — Quiet, classic Episcopal Prayer Book liturgy. No music.
- 10:00 a.m. — A blend of a classic Episcopal service and a modern Eucharist. Music is provided by the Ascension Choir using our unique organ and our grand piano. Hymns are taken from the Hymnal 1982; Wonder, Love, and Praise, and Lift Every Voice and Sing. This service is usually Rite II, but changes to Rite I during Lent.
- 12:00 p.m. — Eucharist in Spanish with hymns mostly from Flor y Canto accompanied by music ensemble.
All three services are held in the main church. The 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. services are also streamed online and can be reached via the following links:
- Zoom: Meeting ID 941 3360 0093; Passcode 1234
- Facebook: Episcopal Church of the Ascension (
- YouTube: Episcopal Church of the Ascension (
- Twitter: @ascensionmd (
- Twitch: ecotamd (
- Instagram: ecotamd (
Worship Style
For years, the leadership of Ascension have endeavored to create liturgies that express the diversity of styles that comprise the Episcopal Church, to offer multiple points of entry for seekers who appreciate one style over others. On the whole, our style is respectful and reverent while not taking itself too seriously. Apart from the prayers of the Book of Common Prayer that constitute the shape of all of our liturgies, our worship is often punctuated with laughter and spontaneity. In Lent, at our more traditional 10:00 am Eucharist service, we return to our roots in the English Reformation and use the old Elizabethan prayers of Rite I. At Ascension we value vigorous congregational singing, and we draw on the resources of The Hymnal 1982, along with Lift Every Voice and Sing II; Wonder, Love and Praise; and Gather, a hymnal that features music and texts from living composers.